York Rally 2020 cancelled - but we'll be back!
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It would have been the York Rally weekend!
Just a quick note to thank all of the well-wishers and contributors who have left comments on the York Rally website, on the York Rally and Friends of York Rally Facebook pages, or contacted us direct, as we come up to the dates the York Rally would have taken place, had it not been cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Head over to the Friends of York Rally Facebook page in particular to join in the celebration of the Rally that could have been – you can join fellow York Rally supporters in posting old photos and recalling treasured memories for everyone to enjoy!
As we spend this year’s Rally weekend at home we can certainly look forward to future events. The organising committee is active by correspondence and eager to resume planning for the next Rally.
We do very much hope and expect to be back in 2021 – but until we’ve confirmation of dates for the Knavesmire, and the committee has formally decided that the COVID-19 risk has sufficiently reduced, we’d rather not make any announcements just yet.
Just as soon as we have news of future events we’ll let everyone know!
And finally...
Normally this section would detail the date and location of the next York Rally planning meeting. Under current circumstances, however, we have cancelled all upcoming meetings and the committtee is working by phone and email. We will of course keep everyone informed when physical meetings resume, and in the meantime please feel free to contact us using the email address below.
We wish all Rally-goers the best of health and cycling happiness, and hope to welcome you all to another Rally soon.
The all-volunteer York Rally Team
-- Sent for the York Rally by Peter Eland, Publicity Officer, York Rally E-mail publicity@yorkrally.org --