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Belatedly, many thanks to all who contributed to the 2023 York Cycle Rally, be that as volunteers, visitors, campers, speakers, exhibitors, caterers, contractors or organisers!
As well as wrapping up this year's event we're now looking forward to 2024, with the Rally dates now confirmed as the weekend of 21-23 June. We'll open campsite bookings ASAP, so please watch out for further emails, or check the York Rally website, and meanwhile please do save those dates in your calendar.
2023 lost property
We still have a number of unclaimed items found while clearing the site after this year's Rally. Please email if you would like to claim any item:
- keyring with about half a dozen keys and a distinctive tag, found along the enclosure fence. - an item of jewellery, found on the Racecourse perimeter track - A glasses case, found near the main toilets - A single key, likely from a bike lock, found outside the Saddlebag Sale - A cycle helmet - An insulated travel mug - A pair of glasses (probably reading glasses)
Video and photos please...
Badges on sale now!
For anyone who didn't already pick one up at the Rally, we now have stocks of the 2023 York Rally badge available on the York Rally website, where you can order securely online for postal delivery:
Planning for the 2024 Rally - and call for volunteers to join the organising team!
All are welcome at the next York Rally planning meeting, which will be at 10am on Saturday 30th September at St Chads' Church Hall in York. There will be a Zoom option - please contact us for joining details.
As we do every year, we'll be discussing how the Rally can move forwards and stay fresh, while retaining its ethos and atmosphere and paying its way despite ever rising costs. Among the ideas we'll be looking at for 2024 is to host an off-road cycling and retro MTB event alongside the Rally, working with the long-time Rally supporters and exhibitors from the Retrobike group whose displays of vintage MTBs have been a regular fixture at recent Rallies.
Do you have other ideas, which you could help put into practice? Please do get in touch and join our meetings if you can. We really do urgently need new organising team volunteers, to bring new ideas and energy to the team and also simply to bring us some spare capacity to develop new things for the event. There's no need to live in or near York.
If you could dedicate some time to helping the Rally flourish, even if you can't make the meeting next week, it would be great if you could please make contact before our November meeting and AGM, which is at 10am on the 18th November at the same location (or on Zoom). Thank you!
Finally, again please do save 21-23 June 2024 for next year's Rally - we'll be in touch again soon and meanwhile, we hope everyone had a wonderful summer of cycling!
The all-volunteer York Rally Committee
-- Sent for the York Rally by Peter Eland, Publicity Officer, York Rally Committee E-mail publicity@yorkrally.org