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Dear fellow cyclist,

We're just under two weeks away from the York Rally and York Cycle Festival 2024!
Our busy volunteer teams have been firming up all aspects of the event:
  • We've finalised the talks and entertainments schedule, with some great volunteer speakers and three tremendous bands: find full details here
  • The organised rides list is also finalised, with 19 rides across three days - many thanks to all of the volunteer ride leaders and back markers! Find the full list here.
  • The trade show (FREE for exhibitors!) now features over 20 companies, including some major brands exhibiting for the first time! See above for some of their logos, or visit the Trade Show page on the website for the very latest list.
  • And there's a great turnout of clubs for the club stands and displays area - again see logos above or see the full list on our website.
All of the above, and all of the Rally's other attactions and activities, will be detailed in the show programme (cover below) which is off to print any day now.

NEW features to highlight this year include:
  • Grasstrack racing is back on the Saturday, thanks to the National Clarion Cycling Club! The race meeting will include rounds of British Cycling's National Grass Track Endurance and Sprinter's Leagues plus other other races for a full aftenoon of grass track action for Seniors, Juniors and Youth riders, male and female. Entries are open via British Cycling here.
  • FREE! Kids MTB skills coaching. Mark and Amanda of Apex Cycle Coaching are qualified British Cycling Level 2 coaches for Mountain Bike, Cyclocross and Road/TT. They provide coaching for Sheffield's Steel City Rippers, Crank It Cycling and other clubs in the region. So we've very grateful that they'll be offering free coaching to under 18s on their custom-built training circuit at the Festival! Just join in, no need to book!
  • Bargestra: York's Arts Barge Big Band Community Orchestra. We're delighted to have Bargestra making their debut at the 2024 York Cycle Rally & Festival - they're York's community big band orchestra, playing pop, jazz, latin and swing, and part of the York Arts Barge project. Please make them very welcome! They'll start playing from around 1pm on Sunday, outside the talks area (or inside, if rainy).
Don't miss this year's event - it really is shaping up to be a good one!

Finally, the inevitable reminder for anyone not already booked to please book your campsite pitch ASAP please - advance bookings are open until the 14th June, for swifter check-in and reduced prices. Thank you!

Here's to a great 2024...

We can't wait to see everyone on the Knavesmire, for what may just be the best Rally yet!

The all-volunteer York Rally Committee

Sent for the York Rally by Peter Eland, Publicity Officer, York Rally Committee
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