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As the weather gets warmer, we're just seven weeks away from York Rally and York Cycle Festival 2024!
- There's more Rides Team news!
- Many thanks to all who have helped distribute our 2024 A5 flyers! We have just a few left. So if anyone needs more, or if you could help promote the event by finding good homes for some, please just email publicity@yorkrally.org with your name, how many you'd like and your postal address, and we'll send them off to you with our thanks!
- Could you give a talk at the Rally? There are several slots yet to fill on the talks schedule - you don't have to have ridden around the world, just be passionate about anything to do with cycling! Share your enthusiasm with like-minded folk at the Rally - please just get in touch and we'll sort out the details!
- Help us out on social media! We've just launched a Facebook "event" for the York Cycle Rally & Festival 2024 - if you could please like and share it, that would be brilliant! We're also on Twitter - all likes & sharing appreciated!
We’re working hard to make this next York Rally – and Festival – the best yet! Our next organising team planning meeting is coming up on the 18th May, at 10am in the Community Room at Tesco's on Tadcaster Road, York – there’ll also be a Zoom option. As ever, all are very welcome to attend.
Finally, the inevitable reminder to please book your campsite pitch ASAP please - early bookings really do help us out with the planning and organising! Thank you!
Here's to a great 2024...
We can't wait to see everyone in June, for what may just be the best Rally yet!
The all-volunteer York Rally Committee
-- Sent for the York Rally by Peter Eland, Publicity Officer, York Rally Committee E-mail publicity@yorkrally.org