This is an archived page from the 2015 York Rally. Please use the site menus to find the current page. Or, return to the archived 2015 website homepage…
Exhibit at the York Rally 2015
Manufacturers, distributors, dealers, traders of all sorts, charities and fundraisers are warmly invited to exhibit at the trade show at the new York Rally, 20-21st June. See here for the current confirmed exhibitor list.
Many in the industry will know of the York Rally: it is an annual gathering of cyclists on the Knavesmire in York. Originally The Grand All-Yorkshire Cyclists Rally, then the CTC Rally, and recently the York Cycle Show, it ran for almost 70 years since its foundation in 1945 until its temporary demise after the 2012 event.
Now a new group of independent volunteers have revived the Rally. The 2015 York Rally will feature both traditional attractions and exciting new features: we are aiming to attract both cyclists and non-cyclists to come along for a grand day out with the whole family. There’ll be masses to see and do whether you cycle already or not!
The 2015 Rally is under the management of a new independent committee, some new to the event and some long-serving stalwarts. We intend to refresh the Rally, working with many partner organisations, and to bring a new audience to it. This will make it a sustainable, annual festival which will run, we hope, for another 70 years,
We have taken the opportunity to make the trade stands considerably more affordable than in previous years. We are also shifting the emphasis from ‘cheap bargains’ to ‘quality goods and specialist services’.
The Rally expects several thousand keen cyclists – and newcomers to cycling – to be at the show, looking for products and services.
I hope you will take a moment to read through our exhibitor information pack, which explains our target markets, the attractions and facilities on offer, and details the very affordable rates for exhibiting in this, the Rally’s revival year.
If you have any questions, or would like to book a place, please don’t
hesitate to get in touch.
Charlie Hodge
York Rally Trade Co-Ordinator
Mobile 07825 229 201
Please feel free to download:
- Our exhibitor information pack
- The show stand booking form
- The show programme advertising booking form
Interested in exhibiting? Please get in touch!
Email: or phone 07825 229 201 or use the form below:
Invoice payments
To minimise transaction costs we prefer invoice payments to be made by bank transfer (details will be on the invoice) but you can also pay invoices by card via PayPal (or use an existing PayPal account) using our secure online shop: