This is a 2015 archived page – please use the site menus to reach the current version! Or, return to the archived 2015 website homepage…
There are a huge number of jobs to do to keep the Rally running! It’s an all-volunteer organised event, and we rely on the kindness of a small army of volunteers to help out.
We, and the thousands of visitors to the Rally, are very grateful for any time you can give to help.
Jobs range from sitting behind a desk to marshalling traffic, from leading rides to shifting tables for the Saddlebag Sale or Auction. You’re welcome to say if there are jobs you’d rather not do – or something you’d particularly like to be involved with.
This year there are not many ‘perks’ for volunteering as we try to raise the considerable sums needed to stage the revived Rally. Along with everyone on the Rally Committee, volunteers are asked to book campsite pitches via the standard procedure if staying on site.

We are however having York Rally clothing produced at cost price for volunteers (including committee members), and in colours not available to the public (red for all volunteers, purple for committee). The volunteer clothing ordering page is password-protected: please email us as below if we haven’t already sent you the password. There’s also a form on that page to print out and send, if you prefer to pay by cheque.
Visit the at-cost ordering page for volunteers: click here.
High vis tabards, protective clothing etc. will of course be provided by the Rally for any volunteer whose task requires it.
If you’d like to help, please just email and we’ll get back to you with more details! Thank you!