We very much hope everyone enjoyed the 2022 York Rally!
Many thanks to all who attended, volunteered and otherwise contributed to a vintage York Rally back in June! Our all-volunteer team have been taking a well-earned break since, so please excuse this belated update…
- Some impressions of the 2022 event (in under 2 minutes) are in this video (or click the player at the bottom of this page).
- Do you have any photos or videos from the 2022 event which you could send us, for our archives and to help publicise future events? Photos of happy Rally-goers are especially welcome! Please just send them (at full size please) to publicity@yorkrally.org – or if the files are too large to email, we suggest you use the free WeTransfer service (skip any screen which may appear promoting the paid version!).
2023 Rally – first planning meeting and provisional dates
Thoughts are now turning to the 2023 York Rally…
- We have now confirmed with the Racecourse that the likely dates for the 2023 York Rally are 23-25 June 2023. But we are still awaiting final confirmation from City of York Council, so this remains provisional for now.
- Our first organising committee planning meeting for the 2023 Rally will take place at the Church Hall of St Chad’s on the Knavesmire in York, at 10AM on Saturday 10th September 2022. A zoom option will be available – please contact us for the joining link if you would like to participate.
New organising committee volunteers urgently needed
You may recall that around this time last year we issued an urgent call for organising committee volunteers, to ensure the Rally’s survival. Many thanks to the several new volunteers who joined the Committee following that call, and for their invaluable work for the 2022 event.
But we still urgently need new organising committee volunteers, to fill vital roles from which, as the years pass, current voluteers must eventually retire, usually after many years of service – be that due to health, age, moving house or other life events.
Roles we’ll need to fill in the near future (or at least to start the handover process) include overall event organiser, trade show organiser, site facilities/contractor organiser, talks organiser, publicity and comms person, website content editor, graphic designer (for posters, show programme etc) and more.
Of course some of these particular roles may be filled from within our current team but that will leave further gaps in other areas – so please do volunteer even if these specific roles aren’t for you.
To keep the Rally sustainable, we need new organising committee volunteers to come forward NOW, ideally ahead of the planning meeting on 10th September.
The main committment needed is to attend at least some of our planning meetings, which take place on Saturday mornings in York as above, around six times a year. We make a Zoom option available so if you can’t easily get to York that may not be a problem – much of the organising work is done by email anyway..
The Rally needs people of any talents and experience who can help it happen!
If you think you could volunteer to be on the organising committee and to help keep the York Rally alive and flourishing, please either
- email to info@yorkrally.org
- or phone our Event Organiser, Paul Reid, on 01697 343089
As ever, we’ll keep in touch as the 2023 Rally takes shape, and look forward to keeping up this grand tradition for another year!
With best wishes,
The all-volunteer York Rally organising team
Some memories of 2022: