This is an archived page from the 2015 York Rally website. Please use the website menus to find current pages! Or, return to the archived 2015 website homepage…
Here you can download publicity materials for the Rally to help spread the word, along with a few other relevant documents! Feel free to pass copies of these to anyone who would find them useful.
York Rally cards – double sided (PDF). Print these out onto A4 (putting them through the printer twice if necessary to do both sides) and cut them up, and you’ll have 10 credit-card sized cards with which to help spread the world about the 2015 Rally. Take some with you as you ride!
Our latest poster/leaflet: download the PDF. It prints out well on A4 or A5, but as many people don’t have A5 paper there’s a version with two A5 leaflets on a single sheet of A4 here.
Our landscape poster/leaflet, which prints out well in black and white at either A4 or A5 sizes. Download the PDF.
The Friends of York Rally form, for anyone who prefers sending a cheque by post to joining online. Download as a PDF or as a Word document.
Our Invention Convention poster! Here’s the PDF.
Our poster for the 2015 Sportive, which includes an entry form. Download the PDF. It prints out well on A4 or A5, but as many people don’t have A5 paper there’s a version with two A5 leaflets on a single sheet of A4 here.
Our Grasstrack poster – download the PDF! It prints out well on A4 or A5, but as many people don’t have A5 paper there’s a version with two A5 leaflets on a single sheet of A4 here.