We are convening a Special General Meeting for the York Rally to push forwards our move to become a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation).
This meeting will be largely procedural, and should be over fairly quickly, and it will be followed by an informal York Rally planning meeting. Formal notice of this meeting follows:
Notice of Special General Meeting
A Special General Meeting (SGM) for the York Rally will be held in the upstairs room at Cycle Heaven, Hospital Fields Road, York, on Saturday 23rd April 2016 at 10 AM.
A map showing how to find the venue can be downloaded here. We will also be arranging lifts from the railway station for those arriving on foot – if you would like a lift please email Charlie Hodge on trade@yorkrally.org or call him on 07825 229 201.
1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Resolutions to become a CIO
Mike Barnard of York CVS, who has been advising us on the CIO conversion, has offered to conduct the meeting as we consider the CIO resolutions.
As with all of our meetings, all are welcome! As well as the current York Rally Committee, the Friends of York Rally, volunteers and Rally participants, and members of the general public who support the Rally are also warmly invited.
In advance of the meeting, you are welcome to download:
- The draft CIO constitution
- The CIO resolutions for this SGM
- Notice of this SGM as a PDF