After an inexcusable delay we are delighted to announce the winners of the 2015 York Rally photo competition!
We had a wonderful response, with over 30 Rally-goers submitting their images, and over 500 images in total to choose from.
These photos have been absolutely invaluable in publicising the Rally – we’ve never been short of a strong image, and as you’ll see throughout this website, just about every aspect of the 2015 rally was covered by our competition entrants.
So huge thanks to all who sent in their pictures -it was difficult to whittle it down to a shortlist, let alone decide a winner! But after some rather belated judging by the York Rally Committee, we have finally come to a verdict.
We’ll be running another competition at the 2016 Rally, so please do send us your photos again!We’re talking to traders to rustle up some attractive prizes, but perhaps more to the point we will hugely appreciate a fresh stock of images to work with!
But now, without further ado, to the winners of the York Rally 2015 photo competition! Click to enlarge…
The Under 16s category was not heavily contested – perhaps we could have more entries next year? But the worthy winner of a York Rally hoodie was Robert Kelly with this image from the trike try-out area:

In the all-ages category, our three runners-up each win one of these splendid mugs, kindly provided by cycle art specialists Cyclemiles!
And in no particular order, here are the runner up images! Congratulations to Pat Douglass, Taras Melnyk and John Jackson for their striking captures of moments in Rally life:

Coming now to our second place winner, we have this fantastic atmospheric image of the Rally campsite from Mike Handley, who wins free camping in 2016:

And so to our overall winner, David Walsh-Kemmis, whose son stars on a vintage tricycle in our very worthy winning image!

David wins a fantastic cutting edge modern saddlebag kindly provided by Bridge Street Designs:

Congratulations to all our winners, many thanks to all who entered, and to those who donated the prizes, and we can’t wait to see your pictures of the 2016 Rally!