York Rally 2017 is go!

Dates are now confirmed for the next York Rally, which will be on the weekend of the 24th-25th June 2017!

The independent organising committee would like to invite all touring cyclists, grass-roots and grass-track racers, club riders, cycle commuters, recumbent and HPV riders, historic cycle enthusiasts and anyone else wishing to continue the grand tradition of the York Rally as the nation’s friendly cycling get-together to come to York – and to camp on site if you can! Campsite bookings open soon.

More details will follow, but for now just a note that the team will be promoting the Rally at a local event, the York Festival of Cycling, this Sunday in Rowntree Park, York. Please do come along – and volunteer to help man the stand if you can!

Here’s our new 2017 banner:


…and please bear with us as the York Rally website at www.yorkrally.org is currently being revamped for 2017!