Open Mic at the Rally, Saddlebag Sale sold out – and bumper campsite bookings!
There are now less than two months until the York Rally 2022! Here’s some latest updates:
Campsite bookings: a new advance record!
As mentioned in the last newsletter, advance campsite bookings online and by post have been coming in at an astonishing rate. With six weeks still to go, we already have more pitches pre-booked for 2022 than for any York Rally since the event was revived in 2015.
We’re all looking forward to a buzzing atmosphere on the campsite and at the wider Rally. If you haven’t already, please do book your pitch now to be part of a landmark Rally – advance bookings are open until the 10th June!
Saddlebag Sale – sold out!
The number of tables available at the ever-popular Saddlebag Sale (the historic name for the York Rally’s cycle jumble, which takes place on the Sunday) is unfortunately limited – and we can now report that all tables have now been booked. Apologies to any seller who may have been disappointed.
The sale opens to buyers at 11AM on Sunday morning – entry costs £1 or is free with a show programme (which costs £1). We expect a busy sale!
Saturday evening: Open Mic at the York Rally with Linda J
This year we’re taking the Rally back to its roots with the evening entertainment on the Saturday. In the early days of the Rally, visitors would entertain each other on the campsite, with whatever instruments they’d brought along.
So for 2022 we are delighted to announce “Open Mic at the York Rally” with professional host Linda Jennings – a long-time cyclist and triathlete from Bolton. Notable in Linda J’s lifelong musical career was being picked by Sir Tom Jones in “The Voice UK 2017” – as seen on TV (and her appearances are now free to view on YouTube).

Linda J and assistant John will bring amplifiers, spare microphones etc. – as well as a selection of instruments including spare guitars – and while she’ll fill in any gaps with performances, her act is all about encouraging the audience to join in – with any instrumental talent (at whatever level) or just with your voice!
So if you’re coming to the Rally, please do bring your favourite musical instrument(s) along – or just your voice!
If you’re not comfortable performing solo don’t worry – Linda is expert at bringing all levels of musicianship into her performances. And anyway – at the Rally you are among friends.
The Open Mic session starts at 7:30pm on Saturday evening, and will run to around 10:30 pm. Refreshments will be available at the bar, and several catering outlets will be open on site too. We hope to see you there!
Saturday daytime: The Sonics Rock & Roll band
We’re delighted to welcome The Sonics Rock and Roll Band back to the Rally!
Three keen cyclists, they will play two sets on Saturday morning, from 10:30am and 12 noon, in the main central area.
And finally
As we gear up for the last few weeks ahead of the Rally, a few final points:
- Don’t forget that advance campsite bookings must reach us by the 10th June – so please book your pitch now if you haven’t yet – otherwise you’ll have to pay on the day, which takes a little longer, costs a little more, and also means we can’t easily site you alongside friends or club-mates.
- We’ll unveil the 2022 talks schedule ASAP – but there are still slots to fill. Touring talks are always popular, or items of historic interest, or anything technical or even whimsical, so long as it’s to do with cycling. Please get in touch if you’d like to do a talk!
- There’s been a great response to our calls for people to distribute A5 leaflets to help promote the Rally. The first print run is just about exhausted, but if anyone could help us by distributing some (or some more!) to potential Rally visitors, please email and we’ll look at getting more printed!
We’re all looking forward immensely to seeing everyone on the Knavesmire in June!
With best wishes,
The all-volunteer York Rally Committee