The York Rally 2023 is starting to take shape! We’ve a round-up of recent progress and a call for help distributing our A5 flyers….
2023 flyers are here – please help us distribute them!
We’ve printed our 2023 A5 promotional leaflets, and we’d be very grateful for any help distributing them! They’re double-sided:

2023 A5 flyer – side 1
The graphics we’re using on our A5 flyer – a general promo for the 2023 Rally. JPG is best for use on social media, PDF is best for printing (up to A3).

2023 A5 flyer – side 2
Side 2 of the 2023 A5 flyer. It’s also included in the PDF which you can access from the side 1 panel to the left.
If you could pass these to fellow cyclists, make them available at events or local cycle cafes, shops or other venues, or otherwise usefully distribute, please do get in touch! Please just drop an email with your postal address to and we’ll send 50 or so copies in the post – please just let us know if you would like more or fewer.
Alternatively, you can access the Rally downloads page, where you’ll find all of these graphics, plus previous show programmes to download.
2023 planning progress round-up
Our organising team met in York at the end of January, and good progress was noted on several fronts:
- We’ve confirmed Cwrw Ial Community Brewing Company will be back running the bar…
- And several of our loyal caterers have already confirmed too, plus some newcomers to be confirmed…
- Sadly at this point it looks as if grasstrack racing will not be back in 2023, but we’re looking into setting up a smaller arena for a variety of activities…
- After the great reaction to her last year we’ve again booked Linda J for the evening entertainments & open mic, and The Sonics will be back with rock and roll on Saturday morning.
- We’ve just started with the talks schedule, but one confirmed highlight will be Rally regular – and now world record-holder – Laura Massey-Pugh describing her recent record-breaking circumnavigation with husband Stevie. Many thanks Laura – and more offers of talks are most welcome!
- We’re working on ideas for new childrens’ activities…
- Calling potential ride leaders: We’ve done a thorough review of the Rally’s arrangements for the organised rides, and will be making several improvements for 2023. Among these is ensuring that we have better insurance in place to protect our volunteer ride leaders and back markers from liability risks – there’s never been an issue to date, but better safe than sorry. And to keep groups to a manageable size we need to run more rides – which means more leaders and back markers – so our Rides Co-ordinator Yvonne would love to hear from any potential ride leader or back marker volunteers – please just email her on
- Our next planning meeting is on the 25th March at 10am at St Chad’s on the Knavesmire Church Hall. As ever all are welcome, especially newcomers, and there will also be a virtual option.
Meanwhile, campsite bookings remain open and there are reduced earlybird prices until the end of April – if you haven’t already, why not book a campsite pitch now?
We look forward to seeing many of you to York in June!
The all-volunteer York Rally Team