Here you can download publicity materials for the Rally to help spread the word, along with a few other relevant documents! Feel free to pass copies of these to anyone who would find them useful.
York Rally 2016 cards. Print these out onto A4 and cut them up, and you’ll have 10 credit-card sized cards with which to help spread the world about the 2015 Rally. Take some with you as you ride! There are two versions: a full page with just the left-hand side shown above (best for single sided printing – get the PDF) or a version with both faces side by side, so print double sided and you will end up with cards with one design on each side (get the PDF). If you can’t print out these cards yourself, please just email with your postal address to and we can send you some.
Our latest 2016 poster/leaflet: available as either “cyclist” or “tandem” designs! For printing, download the PDFs: cyclist PDF or tandem PDF. It was designed at A5 but prints out well on any size (A5, A4, A3 or even larger!).
Our 2016 banner! This was originally a 2′ x 4′ banner but feel free to print it out smaller. The PDF is somewhat reduced in size for this web version – please ask if you would like it full size.
The Friends of York Rally form, for anyone who prefers sending a cheque by post to joining online. Download as a PDF or as a Word document.
Download the 2015 Show Programme for free and in full (as a 13 Mb PDF). You can also read it for free (and share on Facebook etc.) via online platform Issuu here, or click the reader below:
Coming soon: Our 2016 Invention Convention poster!
Coming soon: Our 2016 Grasstrack racing poster!