Season’s greeting to all York Rallyers and all who enjoy – or contribute to – this great event. It’s time for another York Rally update!
Campsite – book now for super-earlybird prices!
The deepest discounts for camping at the 2017 Rally (24-25th June) close at the end of the year! So book your space now and you’ll get the best bargain – and quick entry on the day. Plus the knowledge that your early booking helps us enormously with the planning and financing of the Rally.
York Rally AGM – main points
Many thanks to all who turned out for the York Rally AGM last month. We had a productive meeting which sets us on course for the year ahead.
- We are moving forwards with the process of becoming a Community Interest Company, and the forms should be submitted to Companies House shortly. We hope to be incorporated as a company limited by guarantee early in 2017.
- We have a provisional date for the 2018 Rally already! Keep the 23rd-24th June clear in your calendar. This has been cleared with City of York Council (who handle the venue hire) but is still subject to final confirmation until the 2018 horse-racing calendar is firmed up.
- Many thanks to the hard working volunteers who once again stepped forward to take on organising duties on the committee for the year ahead. We are always looking for new volunteers – both for general help on the day, and on the committee – so please do come along to a meeting if you’re interested, or to help at the Rally sign up here.
- And the AGM especially thanked our new Sportive organiser, Pete Dunn, for taking on this demanding task. As you’ll read below, it’s coming together nicely, and entries are already coming in. Book yours soon to secure a place!
York Rally Sportive – 17th May 2017
Bookings are now open (via British Cycling online – or by post if you prefer) for our next fundraising Sportive! There’s a choice of 100km or 140km rides, taking you into the beautiful North York Moors via some demanding ascents:
Full route details, GPX downloads etc. will be added shortly, but both the 100k and 140k routes will very similar to the ones from the last York Rally Sportive in 2015.
Any questions, please contact the organiser by phone: Pete Dunn 07740 171 252 or leave a comment below or on the Facebook event page – we’ll get back to you ASAP.
Volunteers to help run the event are always welcome and much appreciated! If you could help marshall, staff a feeding station or take on various tasks at ride HQ, again please just contact organiser Pete Dunn on 07740 171 252.
Roll on 2017!
That’s all for now folks – have a great Christmas and here’s to happy cycling in the new year!
(PS – many thanks to all who entered the 2016 Photo Competition, and apologies for the delayed judging! Among the entries is the image at the top of this page, a fine photo of the cyclo-cross racing by Eleanor Hunt).